Foto: Domenique Brewing

Meine Arbeit bewegt sich ständig zwischen verschiedenen künstlerischen Disziplinen. Konzeptionelles Ping-Pong, Filmemachen, Design, Wissenschaft und Technologie bilden die Grundlage meiner Praxis und gehen mit einem starken Interesse an der Erforschung des Weltraums und des Unbekannten einher.

Als Filmemacher liegt mein Fokus darauf, mit meinen Auftraggebern in engem Austausch zu arbeiten. Mein Ziel ist es, nachhaltige Dokumentationen zu produzieren, die man sich wünscht langfristig zu erhalten.

seit 1997       Stuttgart

1997–2001    Dipl. Kommunikations-Designer, Merz Akademie – Hochschule für Gestaltung, Kunst und Medien

1999–2001    MA in European Media (EMMA, with distinction), Merz Akademie / University of Portsmouth, UK

2001–2005    Art director, Video Unit, Milla & Partner, Stuttgart

2008–2012    Ph.D. Studium, Kunst & Design, Bauhaus Universität, Weimar

seit 2015      freier Filmemacher


2015    Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany, »ABC Art-Business-Coaching«

2014    The Arts Catalyst, London, UK, »Institutional Residency«

2013    The Firestation Artist's Studios, Dublin, Ireland

2013    Stephen Cripps Sculpture Award, Shortlisted 

2012    Ars Electronica, Interactive Arts, Nominated

2011    ACME Project Space, London, UK

2009    iRes, University College Falmouth, UK

2009    ACC Gallerie, Weimar, Germany


2020    SPACE UP, »Step into Space«, all 9 shows are postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic 

2019    Ars Electronica, Linz, »SPACE EU«

2018    Science Gallery, Dublin, Ireland, »LIFE AT THE EDGES«

2017    European Centre for the Arts, Hellerau, Dresden, Germany, »Springhouse«

2017    VU Amsterdam, Netherlands, »Aromatic Art (Re-)constructed«

2016    Neuer Kunstverein Wuppertal, Germany, »Olfactismus«

2015    BresseLITTLE Gallery, London, UK, »dark frame / deep field«

2015    Digital Shoreditch Festival, super/collider, London, UK

2015    ALTANA Galerie, Dresden, Germany, »Bildtaktik«

2015    Castle De Lovie, Poperinge, Belgium, »The Smell of War«

2015    ACME Project Space, London, UK

2014    Museum of Post Digital Culture, Switzerland

2014    The Arts Catalyst, London, UK, »20th.Anniversary«

2014    LISTE – Art Fair, H3K, House of Electronic Arts Basel, Basel, Switzerland

2014    The Arts Catalyst, Southbank, Bargehouse, London, UK, »Republic of the Moon«

2013    Microwave Festival, Hong Kong

2013    Shiny Toys, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany

2013    Print Fusion, Gallery TEN Edinburgh, Edinburgh Festival, UK

2013    Royal Naval College Greenwich, Thames Barrier Print Studio, »Freedom of the Press«

2013    Association of American Geographers, »Curating the Cosmos«

2012    Berloni Gallery, London, UK, »Authentic Goods from a Realistic Future«

2012    Villa Rosenthal, Jena, Germany, »Space Adventures #1«

2012    Milan Designweek, Milan, Italy, »Hacked Lab at La Rinascente«

2011    FACT Liverpool, UK, »Republic of the Moon«

2011    ACME Project Space, London, UK

2011    Crunch, EB&Flow Gallery, UK

2011    Preview Berlin, EB&Flow Gallery, Berlin, Germany

2011    Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, Germany, Stuttgart, »How Are You Doing?«

2010    Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands

2009    OHPen Surface, Malmö, Sweden


2020    ISU, International Space University, Strasbourg, France

2019    Ars Electronica, Linz, »SPACE EU, Space Cafe

2019    MIT Space Exploration Program (invited, could not make it)

2019    ISU, International Space University, Strasbourg, France

2018    Merz Akademie, Stuttgart, Germany

2018    ISU, International Space University, Strasbourg, France

2017    MOON VILLAGE WORKSHOP, ISU, International Space University, Strasbourg

2017    Springhouse, European Centre for the Arts, Hellerau, Dresden, Germany

2017    SPACE UP, ISU, International Space University, Strasbourg, France

2017    Aromatic Art (Re-)constructed, VU Amsterdam, NL

2016    ISU, International Space University, Strasbourg, France

2016    Olfactismus, Neuer Kunstverein Wuppertal, Germany

2016    ISU, International Space University, Strasbourg, France

2015    Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany

2015    Bildtaktik, TU Dresden, Germany

2015    Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Zurich, Switzerland

2014    FAST, Revolving Stars and Shaky Grounds,Hellerau, Dresden, Germany

2013    Microwave Festival, Hong Kong

2013    The Firestation Artist's Studios, Dublin, Ireland

2012    Kosmica Mexico, Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Mexico City

2012    Halle14, Spinnerei, Leipzig, Germany

2012    W+K Agency, London

2012    BBC, Stargazing, Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester, UK

2012    Kosmica Liverpool, FACT, Liverpool, UK

2011    BBC, Material World, radio interview

2011    The Gopher Hole, London, UK

2011    Kosmica 6, The Arts Catalyst, London, UK

2011    ACME Project Space, London, UK

2011    Kosmica 2, The Arts Catalyst, London, UK

2009    iRes, University College Falmouth, UK



2018    Moon Village Association – Working Group »Culture«

2017    Moon Village Association – International Moon Village Workshop

2015    Deutsches Hygiene Museum, Dresden, Germany, »Vokabular der Unsichtbarkeit«

2015    ZHdK, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste > Excursion Museum Rietberg

2013    Microwave Festival, Hong Kong, »WCTM Experience«

2012    Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design, London, UK, »IKEA Fieldtrip«

2012    Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City, »THE END IS NEAR«

2012    FACT, Liverpool, »CRASH«

2011    ACME Project Space, London, UK, »micro symposium #1«

2011    ACME Project Space, London, UK, »Super Sundays«

2009    iRes, University College Falmouth, UK


CLOT – To Boldly Smell What No Man Has Smelled Before

The Smell of the Moon – Elizabeth R. Straughan, University of Glasgow

Schloss Post – Interview WCTM


Since 2009 we have been collaborating on a series of works and projects in the field of space exploration and the moon. The »The Smell of the Moon« became one of our signature works during this time.

Since 2009, we have been collaborating on a series of works and projects in the field of space exploration and the moon. The »The Smell of the Moon« became one of our signature works during this time.

Hagen M. Betzwieser 


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